Jovanka Šaranović, PhD, Zoran Kilibarda, PhD: Education of Female Cadets at Military Academy

This book represents the partial realization of the Ministry’s Instructions for 2006, which state “that appropriate conditions should be provided for women to be accepted into the military schools, to be educated in certain specialties and that should start during the 2007-8 season”. The inclusion of women into the military educational system marks the first time in our history in which women are able to become candidates for the Military Academy and to be equal in choosing the military profession as their life choice. The book includes arguments for and against women’s education in order to become officers; the interest of girls to be educated at the Military Academy (based on the results of empirical research among high school seniors); reasons why there are some exceptions in education for the specific profiles of women officers; profiles of officers that women should be primarily educated for; forms of education; selection of candidates for the Military Academy; integration into the military collective; some specifics of logistic support; conclusions and suggestions.