
Annual review of the Strategic Research Institute and the Military Archive for 2014

Strategic Research Institute realized the annual analysis of the Institute and Military Archives for the year 2014. Analysis was attended by representatives of the Policy Defence Sector: Major General Sladjan Djordjevic, Head of Organization Department, Brigadier General Slobodan Joksimovic, Head of the Strategic Planning Department, Colonel Konjikovac Milan, Head of the International Military Cooperation Department, and Major Dalibor Petrović, Acting Head of the Division of scientific and inventive activity in Strategic Planning Department.
Director of the Institute, Jovanka Šaranović PhD, informed the guests about the organization of work and the most important results achieved in 2014. Afterwards, the heads of departments and Director of the Military Archives presented achieved results and activities implemented with special emphasis on the implementation of research projects, international cooperation, reception archives from institutions and units and the degree of implementation of the accreditation process.
The director took the opportunity to convey information obtained by the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development that the Strategic Research Institute is accredited as a military scientific research institution, which finally completed the request of the Minister of Defence set to all scientific institutions in Ministry of Defence.
The analysis pointed to key problems in the implementation of the tasks of functional competence in 2014, and in the conclusion main tasks for 2015 has been defined.